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«  Firefox 131  »
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Release DateOctober 1, 2024
Release OwnerDianna Smith
Nightly cycle length4 weeks
Beta cycle length4 weeks
Bugs fixed in Nightly 1065
Current Beta 131.0 Release Candidate (100% rollout)
Corresponding ESR release 128.3.0
Release notes Beta notes
Desktop, Android & iOS
Nightly starts

The first day of the cycle is Merge Day. After merging mozilla-central to mozilla-beta, we bump the nightly version number on mozilla-central and a new development cycle starts for Firefox. A new Firefox Nightly is shipped every 12 hours.

August 5
8 weeks ago
Deadline to request manual QA

QA has been informed (via a Jira ticket) about features that require manual testing during the nightly and/or beta cycle.
Feature technical documentation is also required to draft Test Plans and Test Cases.

August 9
7 weeks ago
Build ready for QA in nightly

Features with a QA request are ready for testing to assess feature quality and provide a formal test report by the end of Week 3 of the nightly cycle.

August 16
6 weeks ago
Build ready for QA in beta

If nightly testing was skipped then features should be in a testable state by this date for beta testing.

August 29
4.5 weeks ago
Soft Code Freeze starts Draft beta release notes

We are nearing the end of the nightly cycle. Don't land new untested features. Risky changes should be avoided after 8:00 AM UTC until after the nightly version bump on Merge Day.

August 29
4.5 weeks ago
QA Test Plan approval due

For features requiring Nightly testing, the QA team appreciates an earlier sign-off from the project teams. If an early sign-off is not available or testing is required only in Beta, the approval milestone will be the final deadline for any feature Test Plan sign-offs. No feedback/sign-off on QAs Feature Test Plan could result in misalignment on testing scope, incomplete test coverage and invalid bugs.

August 30
4 weeks ago
String Freeze starts

In order to ensure that our localizers have adequate time to translate strings, please make sure that all string changes have landed by end of day.

August 30
4 weeks ago
QA pre-merge regression testing done

QA assess build readiness for shipping to Beta by running a set of Regression test cases and shares a test report. Nightly Regression coverage is limited compared to Beta Regression testing throughout the Beta cycle.

August 30
4 weeks ago
Merge day

This is the day in the release cycle when we merge mozilla-central into mozilla-beta. This is the end of the development cycle for Firefox 131 and the beginning of our Beta stabilization cycle.

September 2
4 weeks ago
Beta 1 Go to build

Built manually just after the merge. It is rolled out to 25% of our beta population. Some experimental features are still activated to watch their behavior on a wider population. These experimental features will be deactivated mid-cycle. Uplift requests are open.

September 2
4 weeks ago
Beta 2 Go to build

First automated beta of the cycle. It is rolled out to 50% of our beta population. Build starts at 13:00 UTC.
Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 4
3.5 weeks ago
Beta 3 Go to build

Beta rollout bumped to 100% provided stability is good. Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 6
3 weeks ago
SUMO content creation

User affecting changes were identified and provided to the team. The support content for this release can now be created and will be translated before RC week.

September 6
3 weeks ago
Beta 4 Go to build

Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 9
3 weeks ago
Beta 5 Go to build

Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 11
2.5 weeks ago
Beta 6 Go to build Last early beta

On a regular 4 weeks beta cycle, Beta 6 is the last beta with experimental features still activated. Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 13
2 weeks ago
Beta 7 Go to build

Experimental features are no longer activated at compile time. Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 16
2 weeks ago
SUMO content localization

New content on team is finalized, uploaded to the server and provided to our localization teams internationally.

September 16
2 weeks ago
Beta 8 Go to build

Last week of the beta cycle. Build starts at 13:00 UTC. Stabilization work via uplifts.

September 18
12 days ago
Pre-release QA sign-off

A week before the final sign-off, QA shares preliminary test reports for each feature riding the train. This pre-release sign-off can be Green, Yellow or Red.

September 18
12 days ago
Beta 9 Go to build Last beta uplifts (sec-approval request deadline)

On a regular 4 weeks beta cycle, this is the last beta and thus the end of beta uplifts, including security bugs for this release (sec-approval+ on Bugzilla). Build starts at 13:00 UTC.

September 20
10 days ago
Release Candidate Go to build

We merge our mozilla-beta repository to mozilla-release and close mozilla-beta until the next merge day. We then build our Release Candidate from mozilla-release. This is the build we intend to ship a week later unless we need to build a second Release Candidate to fix a major quality or business critical issue.

September 23
7 days ago
Release Candidate Release notes finalized

Our Release Candidate is shipped to all of our beta population.

September 24
6 days ago
Release day!

We ship Firefox 131 at 14:00 UTC (6AM PST) at 25% rollout.

October 1
No working day before milestone
Planned dot release

Two weeks after the release, we ship a dot release to address identified quality issues if needed. We may have to ship other dot releases before that date. If this is the case and post-release quality issues are already fixed and shipped, the decision on shipping or not the planned dot release is on the release management team.

October 15
In 2 weeks